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US ILfC LF/014 · Record Group

The collection consists of records from several academic departments at the College. Types of materials include reports, correspondence, syllabi, course information, and other official materials. The files have been collected from various faculty over the years, and as of July 2017 there are only a few departments represented.

US ILfC SC/043 · Collection

Alfred S. Austrian  and Paul M. Godehn, both of the Chicago law firm of Mayer, Meyer, Austrian & Platt, corresponded for the purpose of acquiring rare books and manuscripts with many significant and knowledgeable dealers in the trades.  The collection consists of letters, telegrams, invoices, etc. exchanged with the major U.S. and U.K. book and manuscript dealers of the period, particularly those of Chicago, New York, and London and extending into the 1930s and 1940s. It is not immediately clear if they were acting for a client, not named, or for themselves.  Neither appears among the names of the membership of Chicago’s Caxton Club, a book collectors group. Among the dealer names included in the correspondence, typically with typed letters signed, are Walter Hill, Chicago; A.S.W. Rosenbach, Philadelphia; Thomas Madigan and Walter Benjamin, New York; and Dawson’s and Maggs, U.K.

Alfred Austrian
US ILfC SC/035 · Collection · 1932 - 1974

This small group of materials includes small-format candid amateur photographic prints, family letters, and news clippings by and about members of this Lake Forest, Illinois family, mostly from the 1940s and 1950s.

There is a small reference collection of copies of articles and entries and an informal, handwritten family tree.

Wood, Pauline Palmer, ca. 1917-1984
US ILfC SC/010 · Collection · 1890-1977

The collection consists of correspondence, family scrapbooks, yearbooks, legal documents, awards, Clifford Barnes's own personal memoir manuscript, group pamphlets/programs and photographs that all originate from the Barnes Reid Family. Overall, the artifacts of this collection shows the family's shared dynamic of moral beliefs and devotion to a life of service.

The collection is split into 3 distinct series-1) Lilace Reid Barnes Documents, 2) Clifford Webster Barnes Documents, and 3) Assorted Reid Barnes Family Documents.
For more information, contact the Lake Forest College Archivist and consult the biographical sketches of the creators/main family members also provided on this page.

Barnes, Lilace Reid
US ILfC SC/033 · Collection · 1914-1969

This collection contains various book and short story manuscripts written by Blanche Young Oldham. There is also a finished copy of her book, "How the Manx Cat Lost its Tail,” as well as a binder with the author’s notes.

Additionally, the collection boasts photographs and other materials related to the Isle of Man, where the folk stories that make up Oldham’s work originated.

Also contained in the collection are personal materials. These include newspaper clippings, a small number of photographs of Oldham and her family and other personal documents such as the Lake Forest College Program of Commencement Week (1915) and a certificate presented to Oldham in 1946 by the American National Red Cross in recognition of her personal service during World War II.

Oldham, Blanche Young
Bruce Lineburg Notebook
US ILfC SC/090 · Collection · 1920s-1960s

This collection consists of a small three ring binder of typed pages. The notebook is divided into three sections and contains information about various inorganic, plant, and animal fossils. This information includes the name of the fossil, its geological period, the location where it was found and its taxonomic classification.

Lineburg, Bruce
US ILfC SC/099 · Collection · 1988, 1991

These travel diaries are written by Jean Brown. The diaries contain handwritten entries recording Brown's daily life while traveling in South Africa and later Micronesia.

Both diaries contain other materials including postcards, tourist maps, hotel memorabilia, various brochures and guides, newspaper and magazine clippings and photographs.

Brown, Cameron
US ILfC SC/019 · Collection

The collection features one folder of correspondence (photocopied) and eleven original editorial cartoons by artist Carey Cassius Orr (1890-1967). As a Pulitizer Prize winning cartoonist, Orr produced much of his witty and pointed work, including all of the pieces in this collection, during his time drawing with the Chicago Tribune from 1917 to 1963. The collection features both black and white and color drawings of various sizes. Many handwritten notes by Orr and Tribune newspaper staff are visible and show the behind-the-scenes work of cartooning for a national newspaper.

Orr, Carey 1890-1967, 1890-1967
Caxton Club Collection
US ILfC SC/094 · Collection · 1937, 1950-2012

This collection contains various Caxton Club materials. These include constitution and by-law records, meeting minutes, directories and other member documents, correspondence, Publication Committee records and program invitations. It also includes a small amount of Caxtonian newsletters published in the mid 1990s and materials related to the Caxton Club’s Centennial celebration.

Miller, Arthur H.
US ILfC SC/065 · Collection · 1840s-1995

The Chicago Athletic Association Collection contains a number of governance records, including bound volumes of minutes from Board of Director meetings and annual reports dating back to 1890, committee meeting minutes, as well as bound ledgers with financial records.

Other financial and legal records include income statements, contracts, deeds of trust, safe deposit box records, and files regarding trademarks owned by the Association.

The collection also contains documents related to the Association’s acquisition and sale of art, largely oil paintings.

Additionally, the collection boasts a large number of membership materials. These include bound volumes of membership registers, as well as membership resignations and several binders addressing Association privileges and conduct.

The collection also contains typed correspondence, brochures and programs and historical information about the Association, as well as life membership records.

There is an extensive collection of member photographs dating back to the late 1890s.

Unique to the collection are materials related to Olympic athlete and Association member Joie Ray. These include a poster created in support of Ray, a scrapbook with newspaper clippings of his athletic achievements, photographs, race programs, his Association membership cards, a National Track and Field Hall of Fame certificate from 1976 and one of his race uniforms.

Chicago Athletic Association
US ILfC SC/021 · Collection

The collections consists of one folder containing a compiled scrapbook of different newspaper clippings that all relate to the publicity needs of the North Shore Alumnae Panhellenic or as it was later called the Chicago North Shore City Panhellenic Association. This newly named association then became an affiliate Member of the National Panhellenic Conference in July of 1959 as well.

The clippings are glued down onto individual scrapbook pages and come from a number of different newspapers such as Wilmette Life, The Evanston Review, Chicago Sunday Tribune, Deerfield Review, and Northbrook Star.

Overall, the newspaper clippings discuss the group's upcoming meetings, times, locations, dates, and speakers presenting between the years of 1958 to 1969. There is also a small envelope of loose materials that include photographs, additional articles on past events, and 2 pamphlets titles "Theta Sigma Phi Publicity Handbook" and "Speaking of Sororities to High School Graduates Going to College."

These clippings are found to have been collected by the Publicity Chairman Lois C. Cesner. However, the presence of a stamped name of Mrs. Richard E. Gauen on the cover of the scrapbook and also the general number of sororities/collaborated events discussed, it should be reasonably concluded that the collection assuredly has a wider number of contributors present throughout the scrapbook as a whole.

For more information, contact the Lake Forest College Archivist.

Cesner, Lois C. (Mrs. Cassell A.)
Chicago Symphony Programs
US ILfC SC/056 · Collection

The collections consists of programs from the Chicago Symphony.

Chicago Symphony
US ILfC SC/046 · Collection

This collection consists of bound formal City of Lake Forest reports pertaining to the late 1950s and early 1960s. The main subjects presented in the collection are financially concerned including the annual budget, audit reports, and written reports by the City Manager.

US ILfC SC/022 · Collection

The collection consists of records of the Lake Forest Water Company when it was founded in 1891, the papers of its subsidiaries through 1921, and when it became the City of Lake Forest's Water Works unit in 1921 to 1938, with some records as late as 1955.

The records include a very detailed ledger book listing early estates, indicating the scale of listings of equipment/outlets, and it also lists owners, locations, and changes of ownership in that period. Other major materials in the collection include studies carried out for the city of of Lake Forest by the Chicago-based engineering firm of Pearse, Greeley & Hansen, local correspondence, records, and documents for the city department in the 1920s-1930s, and in one case in 1955.

The collection additionally shows the relationships with state and federal authorities, including the WPA and relates the general growing need for water from the lake by the increasing number of estates and North Shore suburbs.

Lake Forest Water Company
US ILfC SC/016 · Collection · 1946 - 1964

The collection contains the papers of Edward Arpee and is arranged in two series. The first series consists of two folders pertaining to the working relationship and manuscript of the World War II memoirs of then Col. John Francis Regis Seitz (d. 1978). The other series contains a diverse array of personal papers such as correspondence, clippings, and contracts, relating to Arpee's authorship (for centennial committee, City of Lake Forest), printing (R. R. Donnelley & Sons, Lakeside Press), and publication (Rotary Club of Lake Forest) of his 1964 released "Lake Forest: History and Reminiscences."

In the first series, Edward Arpee's presence is shown as a helping hand to fellow author and friend Col. J. F. R. Seitz. Mainly, the first folder shows a one-page single-spaced typed letter (carbon copy) to "Jeff," dated January 21, 1948 with a two-page introduction.The letter suggests that this is a revised manuscript after having heard from publishers (not encouraging), with several questions for the author. No reply is in the file. Arpee appears to be the editor or ghost-writer of  Mr. Seitz's own memoir, "From Pearl Harbor to the Elbe: A Field Commander's View of  the War in Europe December 7, 1941 -- April 25, 1945." Seitz, a 1929 West Point graduate, went on to a further military career in Korea until he retired with disability in 1966. These factual details are confirmed within the included background information on Colonel Seitz within folder one as well. Such information greatly helps when one examines the 121-page double-spaced typescript (carbon copy), with an eight-page index, with a one-page introduction.  The manuscript encompasses many different topics of interest and is the single largest portion of the collection.

The second file series relates to author Arpee's 1964 released "Lake Forest, Illinois: History and Reminiscences of Lake Forest, 1861-1961." It was originally undertaken for the City's centennial committee, but was not ultimately published by them. Rather, the the local Rotary Club of Lake Forest helped Arpee publish this important book.  There is correspondence with Mayor Michael Cudahy, local resident Elliott Donnelley of the Donnelley Chicago printing firm, First National Bank President Philip Speidel (Lake Forest College '19), Rotarian Gilbert Curren (Lake Forest College '40), Merle Norton Alderman (Lake Forest Academy alum '08 and publisher of 1916 "Lake Forest Art and History.") There are authorship and printing contracts, press clippings following publication, and letters from readers of the published history.

Arpee, Edward
Edward H. Bennett Collection
US ILfC SC/002 · Collection · 1870-1854

The collection consists of personal and professional papers of the architect Edward H. Bennett. The collection is arranged into two series. Series 1 includes correspondence, drafts, and plans from throughout Bennett's career. The most significant part of the collection is the correspondence between Daniel Burnham and Bennett, that reveals some of Burnham's thoughts regarding the 1909 Plan of Chicago. There are letters with other professional colleagues as well. The photographs span both  the professional and personal realms, including many photographs of three generations of the Bennett family and many photographs Bennett took or acquired to inform his architectural projects. There are several sketchbooks and scrapbooks and also several books of study photographs.

Bennett, Edward H. (Edward Herbert), 1874-1954