Title: The Kingmaker
Titles Include: Kerbala: The Shia Moslem Mystery Play of Hasan and Hussein, Land of No Return, and The Last Flight of 1971
Title: I'm Dying, Egypt
Title: If You Touch Them They Vanish (from the Novel of Gourveneur Morris)
Titles Include: The Lorenzo Bunch Dramatized from the Novel of Booth Tarkington (Should be noted this play was co-written with C. Blevins Davis) and 1966 (May to June) Losing of the Lord of Love
Titles Include: Ba, Ba, Bakshish or Goldie-Sphinx and the Three Pyrs, American Colony Applegate, Dining Out (Stapled script and hand written note stating 'From Diminutive Drama by Maurice(?) Baring 1912) and Advice to Authors (Played for the The Society of Midland Authors 57th Annual Dinner and Awards)
Title: A Blot in the 'Scutcheon (A Tragedy by Robert Browning)
Title: California
Title: Back to Nassau Hall
Title: Blanco-Blanks by George Bernard Shaw and its 'Native' Adaptation by L. Ellsworth Laflin, Jr.
Titles Include: Forward to Solomon and The Devil Obliges
Original Play Script and a Photocopied copy included within the folder.
Titles Include: The Centaur and The Chain Reaction
Titles Include: Gaining a God of Goodness and Drake's Drum
Documents describe Collection Purchase History and Laflin Family History
Titles Include: God Save the Queen and The Gadsbys by Rudyard Kipling